Rutherfords Punting

Current Opening Times: 10am-Dusk

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A – Z of Punting

An old stone building, walls overgrown with ivy.

Here’s a fun A-Z of punting by our chauffeur, Max. See if you can tick off the alphabet on your visit!

A is for Anchor

This is the pub once frequented by Pink Floyd, moreover where a few of their first live performances took place.

The Anchor pub, a white building on the riverfront.

B is for Benedict Spinola, the weird bust opposite Magdalene college.

The bust of Benedict Spinola, a peculiar head with a long nose and bulging eyes. The bust is cast in metal and appears to be emerging from the wall on which it's attached.

C is for Concussion Bridge, mind your head!

A punting boat passing under a low, arched bridge. The punting guide has to duck to pass under the bridge, hence its nickname, Concussion Bridge.

D is for Ducks. Soooo many ducks. Always hungry.

A duck paddling in the river.

E is for Erasmus Building, a rather controversial building.

A view from the river of the Erasmus building, a squat, square, brick building.

F is for Flood markers, seen on Concussion Bridge.

Flood markers carved into the stonework of a bridge, marking where the waters rose to on certain years.

G is for Garde Ta Foy, the latin phrase found near Magdalene.

H is for Heron, a rare but beautiful bird seen on the river.

A heron standing on the riverbank.

I is for Ivy, growing all over the back of The New Court.

An old stone building, walls overgrown with ivy.

J is for Jerwood Library, the library that announces itself.

The Jerwood Library, a brick and glass building with a peculiar tiered structure.

K is for King’s College Chapel, located at…well, King’s College.

A punting boat in front of the King's College Chapel, an impressive stone building, on a bright Summer's evening.

L is for Lover’s Lane, where couples go to…..kiss.

A sheltered section of the river, surrounded by stone walls and overhanging willow trees.

M is for Magdalene bridge, where the mythical Cam Bridge once stood.

A view from the river of Magdalene Bridge, an intricately detailed bridge, with pedestrians looking over the railings at the boats below.

N is for “No Mooring”, a sign on the river no one follows.

A wooden sign at the side of the river that reads 'No Mooring'.

O is for Oak trees, towering over the river.

P is for Pickerel, the oldest pub still around in Cambridge.

The Pickerel Inn, a small, old pub.

Q is for Quayside, where our punting tours begin.

A bustling street alongside the river, where punting boats are moored.

R is for River, it’s the thing punts are floating on….

A couple of people and their dogs in a punting boat, in front of a grand, stone building, part of St John's New Court.

S is for Self-hires, crashing into you with no rhyme or reason.

Two men sitting in a punting boat, being navigated by their punting guide beneath overhanging willow branches.

T is for Tourists, asking where’s the University Of Cambridge.

A confused-looking man searching for something, with the King's College buildings prominent in the background. A caption reads "Trying to find King's College is hard..."

U is for Undergraduates, watching the punts go by.

Three young adults sitting on steps outdoors, smiling and looking at a laptop.

Photo by Buro Millennial

V is for Varsity, a word you’ll see all over the University.

A view from a narrow alleyway leading out to the river. There are signs on the alley's wall pointing in the direction of The Varsity and The River Bar.

W is for Water. It’s what rivers are made of…..

A close-up of the river, showing a distorted reflection of a stone building on the bank.

X is for Xenomania; the pleasure of meeting strangers.

Y is for Yales, seen on two pillars at St. John’s

A blurry image of two Yale statues on columns. Yales are mythical goat-like creatures with large horns.

And finally,

Z is for zephyr, the gentle breeze you feel while punting down the river

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So the next time you go punting with us, see how many of these things you spot (or in the case of X & Z, experience).

Rutherford's written in stylised white text.